Burns Night Quiz & Dinner (SOLD OUT)

Saturday 25 January

Performance time
Doors open 7.00pm, quizzing from 7.30pm
Ticket Price
Quiz only £3 / Quiz & Dinner £10
Production | Creative team
Quizmaster - Geoff Brown
Catering - Linden van Clute

Come along and celebrate Burns Night in style with a combined Quiz & Dinner at the Green Room. Geoff Brown will be posing the questions in his own inimitable style and Linden will be preparing haggis, neeps, tatties & cranachan for all those that want to go completely Scottish! We must have dinner orders by Wednesday 22nd January 6pm so that we can order appropriate amounts of food so don’t hesitate to book now.

Of course, if you just want to come along for the social and enjoy the quiz then that’s OK too. Use our new booking system to secure your place(s) and then pay on the night.
